I have started volunteering at the Joshua Tree branch library, which is part of the San Bernardino County library system. It's a very small facility that is probably no more than 1,000 square feet. Here is the link to the Friends of the Library: http://www.joshuatreefol.org/
I am only required to devote 2 hours per week, so at this point I am volunteering on Thursday from 10-12. I really like the branch manager (her name is Penny). The part-time gal Jessica is also very nice. I think it will be a pleasant experience.
I recently made the decision to add another volunteer session on Tuesdays from 2-4. The people are very nice and it gives me something to do during the heat of the summer. It's doubtful I'll find a suitable paid position anytime soon, so I might as well make myself useful.